
I love tunnels...

I was hanging out in a culvert taking pictures, and then I put a few other images into it. I just loved the way the light poured into the dark tunnel.


Hey Man...

This is a really quality little alleyway between a couple of the local shops around the corner. One of those classy spots where Bruce Leroy might meet the Shogun of Harlem... or witness the effects of mass inebriation. Regardless, you get the point. It is classy.


This Canyon brings back Memories

Taken in a canyon near Orem Utah. I just like the way this turned out. Apparently I have been on a blurry photo streak lately. Yes it is intentional.


My First Skull Friend

My uncle was showing me a little gift he was given recently from someone who thought, that as a dentist, he would love to have a skull with teeth intact. I know I, as a non dentist, I would love to have a skull... with teeth in tact. There is just something intriguing about it. Well, I had to take some sort of memoir from the first human skull that I have ever, and possibly will ever befriend.


The new Pink

My apologies to the parents of this beautiful child. She really is a cute kid, but I couldn't resist publishing how this one turned out. Reminds me of something from Donnie Darko... but in pink.