
It's All Business

Sorry this post is all business. I would love a quick response from those that visit the blog as to what the new animated side bar looks like in your browser. So far every time I have checked it, it has been different. For me it looks best on my mac when browsing in safari. The picture is what it looks like on my machine. If yours looks different, please let me know what operating system and browser you are using. Thanks in advance for the help.


aisy said...

mine looks the same... but i'm also using safari on my mac. i really dig the new background colour. wanna redo mine for me???

Rebus said...

It looks great but the window is coming out larger than normal and I have to scroll to the right to see the right column (only 2 inches or so...). I know us darn'd PC-ers.... :-)

OS: Windows XP Pro (with IE)

ngharker said...

Ok so it is official. Internet Explorer 5 and 6 blow for viewing my blog. Down with microsoft and thier version of the internet. so far everything else seems to work fine... (with the exception of Opera (mac)).

Anonymous said...

Firefox on Windows looks good.

David said...

this one isn't animated. at work i use IE/XP.

at home i'm on a mac with safari... i liked the one where the words were coming out of your mouth all robotic like. is that the one that's supposed to be happening?

David said...

g - i should hook you up with my roommate ben. he hates microsoft. he works for novell and has thousands of anti microsoft anecdotes.

he latently sold me on the virutes of apple... without even trying really.

ngharker said...

i could always put the spewing titlebar back up... we'll see.

the new thing i was mentioning is the animated links bar on the side. i have been tweaking it this afternoon so it may not have shown up. or if you were in IE it was down really far on the right side. i think i fixed that though, even though it still looks horrible in IE.

aisy said...

g - i should hook you up with my roommate ben
mr. clark, are you outing the "g"?

Rebus said...

aisy- ha, you and i think way too much alike...

g- no truly, don't hold back...tell us how you really feel about the cyborg...that is MS.

ngharker said...

i think we finally have a winner. and it finally works on IE for windows, from what i have checked. Thanks for the help.

David said...

g - your blog is like a freaking cadillac now... tricked out like no body's business.

my blog's all like "hey, i have a section sans hyper link that lists some songs i like"

and g's blog is like "wow, that was cool like 13 years ago you html cro-magnon"

and my blog's all *single tear.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is too late to matter, but it works fine for me: Firefox, Windows XP.